Friday, November 30, 2012

Finch Cages for a Happy Finch

If you want a merry, happy and keen little pet, finches are a great choice. Today's lifestyle is so dynamic and bird lovers don't really have time to interact with pets like parrots. That is why finches are the best, they are easy to care for and offer pleasurable company. Part of them being happy is providing them with a good cage - their future home.

There are a few important things that a finch owner needs to know about proper cages for them. Bars on cage need to have small gaps to evade finches from escaping or getting themselves injured. Since finches are very active and they like to practice their flying they need plenty of room, minimum of 75 centimeters in length. It is important to provide them with enough space for them to perform short flights. More experienced finch owners usually use two cages and they change between them while cleaning the other one.

Various things have to be supplied inside the cage for finches. There should always be divided feeders for food and water within the cage. Finches care about their personal hygiene and like to take baths couple of times a week in clean water placed in a dish. Also, it is suggested to reward them with some treats and grit-stone dishes once in a while. There are several types of crossbars that can be used for finches to use for rest. It is best to use combination of different materials and sizes of crossbars because it gives finches' good practice for their feet. More experienced finch lovers suggest using of natural crossbars from assorted type of trees to enhance sense of being in the wild. Cement crossbars are useful for maintaining the toe nails neat. There should not be too many cement crossbars because material can be hard and cold on finches' feet. For hygienic purpose and easy cleaning it is suggested to put grit-stone paper or just some used newspapers sprinkled with grit in the bottom of the cage. There are many accessory items that owners can add in the cage for better comfort or health of their finches, but those are non obligatory items.

All finches like to play, so owners should provide them with some kind of toys. It is best to buy several toys in pet stores, like rings, bells, mirrors, beads, swings, etc. Changing toys from time to time keeps finches interested so it is not a bad idea to randomly put a couple of different toys in their cage every now and then. Finches get amused by shiny objects and plastic rings or some kind of bells that they can poke.

Finally, maintaining the cage is simple and easy and should be done once a week. All that is needed is some hot water and soap to clean the cage and other items in it. Simply use sponge or something similar, make some foam from soap and hot water and wash everything. After that is done, cage and accessories need to be washed off with clean water and dried. To save some time on cleaning it is good to cover the bottom of the cage with some kind of paper, old newspapers, paper towels, etc.

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   Moluccan Cockatoo   

Clean Air For Birds - 5 Features To Avoid In Your Air Cleaner

Keeping the air clean with an air purifier keeps both you and your bird healthy by removing bird-related as well as household allergens. The most effective cleaner avoids the following 5 features.

Motor That Needs A Time Out---By definition, keeping the air clean has to mean that you are removing more pollutants than the situation is creating. That cannot possibly true if the air cleaner has to be shut off periodically for safety reasons.

Even when the cleaner is turned on again, purification is not instant so there is a lag time between the time that the air is healthy again. To avoid having to remember to turn it on and off, and having your birds breathe air that is unclean, choose a purifier that has a split capacitor motor.

This type of motor is designed for continuous high revolutions per minute, and will allow uninterrupted filtration 24 hours a day every day.

Controversial By-Products---Fresh air is always the main goal for birds in captivity---humans too! HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filtration is one of the safest technologies around. In fact, this is the filtering process hospitals use to keep the air clean.

Ozone and ionization are still controversial in many circles. Numerous studies have been done with numerous conclusions. Why take a chance if something else works just as well or even better?

One Filter---Even if one filter could remove all the pollutants, it will fill up faster and need replacing more frequently. The more filters you have in a cleaner the better.

Multiple filters for particles of varying sizes will insure that the big particles that can be seen are trapped before they can fill up the finer HEPA. This filter can be left to trap particulates that are measured in microns.

A filter for gaseous pollutants is also a good idea. Including this type of filter in the purifier means that one cleaner can multi-task and will remove both gaseous and particulate pollutants. This ultimately saves you space, money, and time.

High Maintenance---You want a cleaner that can take care of your bird and you, not one that requires constant upkeep. A cleaner that requires you to stop filtration and go inside the unit for maintenance is not a good idea.

Opening the unit sends the very irritants that you are trying to trap up your nose, possibly into your bird's lungs, and back into the air again. It also takes your time.

The best scenario is maintenance that can be done on the outside of the unit and only occasionally. Vacuuming the outside and occasionally wiping it down with a damp cloth should be the most you should have to do.

Fussy Placement Requirements---Some cleaners have very strict requirements in terms of where they can and cannot be placed. This is an important issue to get clear on before you make a final decision.

Believe it or not, some units must be placed in the center of the room. Not only is this inconvenient, aesthetically unattractive, but the chord can become a tripping hazard for people and sometimes a chewing hazard for your bird.

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   Moluccan Cockatoo   

Why Parrots and Birds Need More Than Seed and Pellets

Did you know that malnutrition and under nutrition is the leading causes of illness, disease and early death in birds? Do you want your birds to be healthy, have beautiful feathers and a wonderful disposition? If these things are important to you, then they need to consume hundreds of nutrients everyday. This means they need to eat foods that are much more nutritious than seeds, pelleted diets, fruit, vegetables and nuts. When I first began caring for birds, in 1998, all the nutritional guidelines encouraged us to feed a wide variety of foods. However, since then I've discovered that the foods most people feed their birds are missing vital and essential nutrients.

What are these required nutrients? The vital and essential nutrients that a bird needs to eat every day includes complete protein, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, and fresh water.

Before I explain the importance of these nutrients, let's discuss the imbalances in foods most commonly fed to parrots and other birds.

In 2002 a research paper, 'Estimated Nutrient Content of Diets Commonly Fed to Pet Birds', by L. Hess DVM, G. Mauldin, DVM, MS, and K. Rosenthal, DVM, MS, that was published in the March 30, 2002, issue of "The Veterinary Record" the short comings of the typical avian diet were identified. The variety of foods eaten by the birds in this survey included formulated diets (pellets), seeds and human foods. The results of this study revealed that 80 percent of the birds consumed less protein than recommended for basic maintenance, nearly 58 percent consumed less than recommended amounts of Vitamin A. With vitamin D3, 98.5 percent consumed less than the recommended amounts for maintenance. Nearly 96 percent of the birds consumed calcium levels below those recommended for proper maintenance while nearly 93 percent had phosphorus levels below recommended levels.

Typical Foods = Limited Nutrients

Seeds. Avian veterinarians will agree that feeding a seed based diet is one of the leading causes of malnutrition in birds. Seeds do not provide compete protein, they are an incomplete protein source. Just imagine if you ate rice, and only rice, every day all year long, you'd become malnourished and undernourished just like birds who are fed seeds as their main staple. Seeds are very high in fat and carbohydrates. They do contain significant amounts of vitamin E, but generally lack other vitamins and have very few minerals. They do not contain enzymes or antioxidants.

Pelleted and formulated diets were created to contain more of the essential nutrients that are missing in seeds. But they still fall short of providing all of the hundreds of nutrients our birds need. Formulated diets are usually formulated to provide a source of complete protein from plant sources. They also may contain select minerals, and some added vitamins, usually vitamin A and D3. The main concern to be aware of regarding formulated diets is the nutrients they are missing. Formulated diets are limited to the vitamins that have been added, they completely lack enzymes, have no antioxidants - unless a small amount of vitamin E has been added. Vitamin E is a common food preservative known for its antioxidant properties.

When fresh fruits and vegetables are fed raw these foods do contain some vitamins, minerals, some enzymes and may contain antioxidants. These foods also contain carbohydrates. Any proteins in these foods are incomplete.

Nuts contain fats, including essential fatty aids. However they do not contain balanced amounts of essential fatty acids for each species of parrot.

So if pellets, seeds, fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts do not provide adequate nutrition for the birds under your care, what else should you feed? Before discussing the ideal diet for your birds, let's have a brief refresher on why certain nutrients are so important and must be include in your bird's diet every day.

Nutrients Vital for the Avian Body

Proteins - the proteins, from plant sources, that your bird eats must contain the proper balance of all the essential amino acids to make the food a complete protein. Complete proteins are essential to life, they provide the body with the basic nutritional building blocks that form healthy cells and nourish all body functions.

Enzymes are required by all bodily functions. Although raw fruits and vegetable contains some enzymes, our birds do not consume nearly enough of these vital nutrients. Heat, temperatures over 118 degrees, destroy enzymes.

Antioxidants have developed the reputation for healing a wide variety of diseases and ailments. This can occur because antioxidants neutralize and protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals break down and destroy delicate body tissues and cells. Free radicals have been identified as causing disease, illness and even the aging process itself. For disease prevention it is vital to consume a wide variety of antioxidants. There are many categories of antioxidants and thousands of them have been identified. Raw fruits and vegetable contains some enzymes, most birds do not consume nearly enough enzymes in their daily diet. Heat destroys antioxidants.

Vitamins are essential to life. They regulate the metabolism and facilitate numerous biological processes. They are micronutrients because the body needs them in small amounts when comparing them to carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water. Heat destroys vitamins.

Specific vitamins that have been identified as being essential for birds are vitamins A, D3 and E. When discussing vitamin A we must make the distinction between rentinol vitamin A (the fat soluble vitamin) and beta carotene (the vitamin A precursor that can be converted to vitamin A in a healthy liver). Vitamin A (rentinol A) is essential for normal disease resistance. It improves and supports the immune system by increasing the production and differentiation of immune related cells.

Vitamin D3 is important for maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. D3 is also known as the sunshine vitamin because is produced in the skin of birds after exposure to ultraviolet light from ether direct sunlight or indoor full spectrum lighting.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant known for being important in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease and prevents cell damage by preventing the formation of free radicals. This vitamin improves circulation, is needed for tissue repair and promotes normal blood clotting.

Other vitamins required by birds are vitamins B complex, C, K, P (bioflavonoids) and coenzyme Q10.

Minerals, every living cell in a bird's body depends on minerals for proper functioning and structure. Macro-minerals must be consumed in larger quantities, while trace minerals are required in smaller amounts. The chemical balance of a bird's body is directly dependent on its balance of minerals. The minerals most commonly discussed in avian nutrition are calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is vital for strong bones, maintains proper blood coagulation, membrane permeability, maintains heart beat regularity and normal functioning of the nervous system. Phosphorus has the widest range of biological functions in the avian body, more than any other element. The ideal calcium to phosphorus ratio for birds is 2 to 1.

Other minerals required by birds include magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, potassium, iodine, selenium, chlorine and sodium.

The avian body also needs essential fatty acids (EFAs). They are required by every living cell in the body. EFAs cannot be made by the body, balanced amounts must be consumed in the diet. They have many desirable effects on a variety of disease conditions. Heat destroys EFAs.

Carbohydrates - the most commonly available nutrient, supplies the body with the energy it needs to function.

Water, many people provide tap water for their birds. The water you and your birds drink should always be of high quality. Either filtered at home, or purchase a good quality bottled spring water. Do not drink or give your birds distilled or RO (reverse osmosis) filtered water. Distilled and RO water is completely void of all minerals and must be re-mineralized before drinking. I have done extensive research on this topic. The World Health Organization has complied a comprehensive data base, consisting of several hundred pages, that discusses the problematic effects that drinking RO or distilled water has had on various human populations worldwide. These waters can cause a variety of serious, debilitating health conditions in people, birds and other animals. The body's water supply is responsible for and involved in nearly every bodily process. We and our birds must consume good quality spring or filtered water.

After reading about all these important nutrients you may be thinking about rushing out and buying a multivitamin and mineral supplement - stop. I'm going to teach you how to select foods to ensure you're feeding a nutrient rich diet to your birds.

The Ideal Avian Diet

You can begin improving the level of health and wellness right away by feeding your birds the most nutrient dense food on the planet - sprouts. Sprouts? You may ask... like alfalfa sprouts? There's more to feeding sprouts than this. Let me explain.

When parrots and birds joined my family I began looking for a food that was comparable to the home made, organic, holistic foods I fed my own dogs and cats. I was lead to sprouts. Well nourished birds have a natural resistance against disease and illness and handle stress much better than those who are missing key nutrients in their diet.

Vital Nutrients in Sprouts Every Bird Needs

When any seed, nut grain or legume is sprouted the entire chemical composition changes. Soaking triggers germination. At this phase a sprout's growth has just begun, Germinated seeds, grains and legumes must be allowed to grow for at least two to three days in order for them to reach their peak nutrition.

Properly grown sprouts contain two qualities not present in any other food. First, sprouts are alive. They contain life force energy. Once any other fruit or vegetable has been picked or harvested, the nutrition it contains begins to decay. Sprouts are alive right up until the moment they are eaten. Secondly, because sprouts are alive they are brimming with a rich assortment and volume of nutrients not found in any other single food or combination of foods. The nutritional value in fresh fruits and vegetables is limited when compared with what sprouts offer.

The germination and sprout growing process transforms whole foods into a superfood. Sprouting causes the formation of vitamins and an increase in all vitamins present. Because of this they are a rich source of beta carotene (the vitamin A precursor), C,E and the B complex.

During the sprout growing process any minerals that are present become chelated, making them easier for the body to assimilate and use.

Sprouts also contain an overwhelming abundance of antioxidants. Important antioxidants found in sprouts include vitamins beta carotene, C and E, flavonoids and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Bean and legume sprouts contains anthocyanins, a powerful flavonoid. More than 4,000 flavonoids have been identified in nature.

When sproutable foods are germinated and allowed to grow they become an abundant source of enzymes. By nature enzymes are catalysts - substances that induce hundreds of thousands of biochemical processes in the body. In fact, enzymes make every single biochemical process in the body possible. The brain, nervous system, vascular system, cell regeneration, growth, immunity, the digestive system, and al the vital organs - the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs all depend on enzymes to function. Although all raw foods contain enzymes the amounts present in sprouts can be 10 to 100 times greater than the amounts that are present in raw fresh fruits and vegetables.

Like enzymes, proteins are also essential to life. Proteins form the structural basis of the chromosomes. Each DNA strand contains the genetic code that is the formula for making that cell's unique protein chain. Proteins are the primary building blocks that make up every cell in the body. In order for proteins to be able to build healthy muscles, blood, skin, feathers, nails and vital internal organs they must be complete proteins - they must contain all the essential amino acids in the proper amounts.

So where can you find a fresh supply of sprouts that provides a balance of all the essential nutrients your bird needs? The best source of fresh sprouts for your birds is to grow them yourself. And if you're new to sprouting it's important to learn how to grow them in a manner that is right for your climate and the unique conditions in your kitchen.

The Benefits of Feeding Sprouts

Some of the health improvements being documented from feeding a sprouting blend that has been formulated to contain complete protein include the complete reversal of avian cataracts, the prevention of arthritis and arteriosclerosis and indications that the immune system of these birds is significantly supported so that bacterial and candida infections have been eliminated.

Sprouting Blend Essentials

Since birds joined my family I've come to understand that there are certain qualities to look for in a sprouting blend if you want to nourish good health and wellness in your parrots and other birds.

1. The blend must have been formulated to provide complete protein.

2. The blend must have a compatible germination rate, so that it can grow and reach optimal nutrition levels.

3. For optimal nutrition, the blend must be allowed to grow for 2 to 3 days. If you've seen the claims that 'Soaked is More Nutritious", please know this statement is false.

4. The blend should be a USDA Certified Organic sprouting Blend. Research continues to link pesticides in our food and water to illness and disease.

5. Look for a blend formulated by a person who is knowledgeable in avian nutrition.

Now that you know what to look for in a good, quality sprouting blend you should be able to start feeding your birds this super food right away.

Putting it All Together

After you've found a sprouting blend that meets the criteria outlined here, and learned to sprout then you can begin creating health producing meals for your parrots and other birds. I suggest that the complete protein, properly grown, sprouting blend make up 50 to 80 percent of your birds diet. This will vary depending upon the type of diet your bird has been on, and their overall condition. Their overall condition should be determined by your avian vet.

After you have a freshly grown batch of sprouts then you can add some fresh fruit, raw or steamed vegetables, and a few nuts, appropriate for your species of bird. I suggest that parrots be weaned off of seed because of their poor nutrient content. I also suggest that you avoid feeding your parrots pasta, breads, and some of the other cooked foods available for birds. These items contain very little nutrition, mostly carbohydrates. I do suggest that a good organic pellet can make up a portion of a parrot's diet.

As far as portion sizes, if you feed 50 percent sprouts, then the remaining 50 percent can be a combination of fresh fruit, vegetable, nuts and pellets. In the beginning it's a good idea to measure the amounts of food you serve so that you gain a realistic view of how much of each food to feed. For example, if you feed 1/4 cup of sprouts then you can combine other healthy foods to measure 1/4 cup, and then you have a highly nutritious and well balanced meal for the birds under your care.

In Health & Healing for Parrots and All Birds.

Enjoy Sprouting!

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   

Choosing the Right Bird Feeder

There is an extremely popular trend among garden owners these days. I see it not just as a hobby found in most British gardens, but more, a humble way to interact with wild birds.

Lots of us, especially in rural areas, are keen to turn our garden into a mini oasis for wild birds where they can drink fresh water and find a good source of food throughout the year. Naturally, as people have become keener to encourage birds, so there has been an increase in the number of businesses manufacturing different types of bird feeders, bird boxes, bird baths and nest boxes to meet the demand.

Though bird feeders don't need to be expensive or attractive, designer types are highly preferred by garden owners who want to preserve a particular style or theme in their garden, these days regarding the space as an extension of their home interior. Some of the factors that help categorise feeders is the breed of the bird and on the manner they feed, so be aware of this when making your selection. Some of the most popular bird feeders are suet, ground, peanut and seed tube. Each type is made to specifically to attract a particular breed of bird, so just take a day or so to note the visitors to your garden, then see which feed the species would prefer.

Suet feeder comes in many designs and colors. There are open cages, housed, metal and wood. These types are commonly used to woodpeckers and flickers. Suet is just a bird feed which are preserved by animal fat to survive adverse effect of moisture and weather.

Usually colored orange, the Oriole bird feeders are widely used to supply liquid bird feed perfect for hummingbirds. Like Suet feeders, Orioles also comes in various designs however, majority of which are built to protect the feeding birds from common threats like cats, rats and scavengers. One option to prevent the birds from being attacked or the feed from being taken is by building your feeder so that it can only hold two to three birds at a time and will fall apart if introduced with any heavier weight.

Despite the many advantages feeders offer to the birds, bird feeders can have some negative impacts on birds. If you don't keep the feed and water clean it can cause diseases to spread among the birds when they come in contact with each other. It can cause some bird species to become dominant resulting in an ecological imbalance. So put up a bird feeder, you will not only help to feed some hungry birds, but it will also greatly improve your garden decor.

Bear in mind to keep the feeders clean and keep the feed and water fresh as much as possible. Despite the many advantages of bird feeders, rotten fruits and seeds and unclean water can cause sickness and disease among birds. This may also lead an ecological imbalance in the bird species in your area.

Despite the many advantages feeders offer to the birds, bird feeders can have some negative impacts on birds. If you don't keep the feed and water clean it can cause disease to spread among the birds when they come in contact with each other and in extreme cases, can cause some bird species to become dominant resulting in an ecological imbalance. Just be wary when you put up your feeder. However, ultimately, it will be well received by the birds and you will have a great deal of enjoyment watching them!

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   Moluccan Cockatoo   

Parrots' Home Air Filter - 5 Best Features Your Parrot's Air Cleaner Should Have

You love having parrots be a part of the family, but you can do without the dust, feathers, and sneezing provoking dander that they generate. Cheer up. With an effective filter you can drastically reduce the amount of bird-related pollutants in the air. Here are 5 best features to choose in a cleaner.

HEPA Filter---HEPA is an acronym made up of the first letters of the phrase high efficiency particle arresting. This is a designation give to any filter that can remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particles that are.3 microns or greater (with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter).

This type of technology is so efficient that hospitals use it to insure clean air. It is also safe because the only by product it produces is fresh, clean air.

Since all parrots are not created equal when it comes to the dust they produce, it is important to have this type of filtration. Powder down parrots such as African Greys, Cockatoos, and Cockatiels produce a huge amount of white powder in addition to the normal dander and feather that all birds produce.

But whether you have one of the dustier species or not, this type of filtration is essential because it will also remove more normal household pollutants such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, seasonal pollen, airborne bacteria and viruses as well as dander from other pets.

Since birds are notorious for their tiny air passages, anything you can do to clear the air for them means that their respiratory system is more likely to stay healthier longer. And this can definitely help increase their quality and quantity of life.

Carbon Cloth---This type of filter gives a double advantage to you and your avian friends. Originally developed by the British Military as a response to chemical warfare, this filter can remove noxious gases, airborne chemicals and odors. This is particularly important for birds because their systems are so vulnerable to gaseous pollutants.

And because the make-up of this filter is woven like a cloth, it also provides additional elimination of particles from the air.

Large Particle Pre-Filter---This filter is typically the first line of defense against the big particles that you can see in the air. Those floating bits that you can see when the sunlight shines through your windows are what this filter is designed to trap.

It is typically made up of a cotton-ball like material and saves the more intricate and expensive HEPA from filling needlessly with big particles that can be trapped by this cheaper filter.

Medium Particle Pre-Filter---This filter is designed to trap slightly smaller particles that are in between the visible and invisible. Again the advantage to you and your bird is that this saves you money by allowing HEPA to fill with mostly microscopic particles.

Split Capacitor Motor---Your unit can have the most efficient filters in all the world, but if it can stay on the job 24 hours a day the filters don't matter. A split capacitor is built to run 24 hours a day with high revolutions per minute and long life duty.

The benefit to you is that it can operate while you are there or away, and the continual filtration minimizes the amount of particulates in the air. This helps keep the particle level from rising to a level that is unhealthy for you or your parrot.

Parrots are some of the most beautiful birds there are. And knowing that you are giving it with the gift of clean air every minute of their lives helps you give back a little bit of the joy owning a parrot can bring.

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   

California Condors

California Condors, earlier one of the most wide-spread terrestrial species throughout the North America continent among birds of prey, is on the verge of extinction nowadays. The reduction of their number, especially during 1990s, is a sorrowful consequence of several reasons. First and foremost, it is associated with persecution by shepherds, who assumed that condors are likely to be involved in sheep disappearance, notwithstanding the fact that condors feed on carrion solely (cattle, sheep, deer, and horses in any state of decay). The second one is an assumption that condors ate the corpses of poisoned animals and the last is related to their slow reproduction (one nestling in two years).

It is interesting to know that California Condors is a relict species, which have reached us in a million years.In the eighteenth century California Condors occupied mountainous area alongside the Pacific coast from British Columbia to northern Baja California. Surprisingly, there were nearly 25 birds accounted in 1980s, inhabiting mainly the Grand Canyon area. Hence, the last condors in small numbers were caught several years ago and used for breeding.

The peculiar feature of California condors lies in their sizes: they appear to be one of the biggest bird species in the world being 110 cm in length and having nearly three meters wingspan. In comparison, the biggest wingspan was indicated in 1965 in albatross, which was wandering in Tasmanian Sea, - 3,63 meters. The most vivid thing in condors' appearance is missing feathers from most of their head and neck, which helps these species to avoid any infection while inserting them into a dead animal. Being less attractive than any other bird species, California condor still can boast with its presentment on the national emblem of the United States.

Besides, being a sort of national icon, California Condors are also linked with religious traditions of Indians, an American native population. Despite an absence of any ceremonies directed to condors specifically, their feathers were usually used in religious curing rites and dances. In particular, a splice of condors' wing feathers was made with its further attachment to head ornaments. Frankly speaking, these feathers carried out religious and traditional meaning for Indians in both Americas: in North America the sacredness is approved by their involvement in spiritual cults and in South America condor was considered a bird of the sun god from ancient times (in South America an Andean Condor is distributed). Hence, the recovery of condors determines not only biodiversity significance, but cultural as well.

The recovery program of Californian zoologists started in 1992, which has already launched the reproduction of birds in captivity with their further release in natural habitat. Among prospective goals of this company maintenance of two wild populations with at least 150 individuals is pointed out, which might be considered as a huge breakthrough in future.

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   Moluccan Cockatoo   

Parrot Care and Behavior

Parrots are beautiful and majestic. They can nearly bowl you off your feet with their stunning beauty... but there's more to it than good looks. A bird won't sit in a tweety bird cage all day eating seed saying "Polly want a cracker?". First off, I'll give you a little glimpse of parrot care needs...

Cage size and shape is a big factor here. Parrots, as well as all birds, cannot be housed in a round cage. They need corners to feel secure in. The cage should be kept against a wall or in a corner, not in the middle of a room. The cage should be *at least* 2 times the width of the bird's wing span. Bigger is much better. Those "parakeet cages" and "cockatiel cages" that you see in pet store would not be suffice for a single canary or finch, let alone a budgie or cockatiel. The cage should be on a stand. The cage should not be set on the floor (for small birds). The cage for big parrots have wheels on the bottom and are very tall, and do not need to be on a stand.

Toys and perches are also needed, of course. At least 5 toys would be good. Wooden toys and paper toys are ideal. Plastic toys aren't very fun for birds because they can't really chew on them. My lovebird, my only bird, loves to shred paper and dixie cups. Birds need wood AND rope perches. Different textures for their feet. Wood alone can become hurtful to the bird's feet! You may also choose to give your bird swings and ladders, for even more fun.

Diet... oh diet. A parrot just can't eat seed. They need pellets, good seeds, fresh fruits and veggies, and if you can, cooked foods and sprouts. You can look up toxic food lists for birds on Google. Parrots seem to love eggs, and whole wheat pasta. My lovie loves to eat off of my plate.

Attention! Parrots need attention. Some more than others. That's why, if you work long hours, don't get a large parrot! They need much more attention than the small guys. I mean, hours and hours of attention per day. Not 20 minutes.

Noise, beautiful noise! Not.. Well, birds make noise. It's inevitable. If you have a quiet bird, you have a sick bird. Budgies chirp, macaws scream. Even little Aratinga conures (suns, jendays, cherry heads.. etc) can pack a noise punch. It's amazing how such a loud screech can come from a little bird, really! Even my lovebird can chirp quite loud! And he's only a baby... and I mistakenly taught him the "come here" whistle. Which he uses all the time! The big guys can knock you off your feet with their screams and squawks. I heard a macaw squawk at a bird expo and it nearly stopped my heart! Very, very loud. Cockatoos and macaws especially! Oh, and Amazons! Oh, and.... Well yea, there are a LOT of loud birds.

Now; to the behavior part. Ready for it?

Parrots are mentally confusing animals. They can learn to pluck their feathers and other bad behaviors quite easily. Whether it be a bad diet, not enough attention, or other problems, such as arguments in the household. They can develop screaming problems, too. Whether it be their owner screaming or learning that screaming means attention. A bird can become aggressive and untrustworthy with a mistake from you, like using violence with your bird when he does something wrong. Negative reinforcement does *not* work with parrots. Only positive reinforcement does. Reward them for doing everything you like them to do. And they will learn to please you. But boy, do birds love drama! If your bird bites or lunges, don't pull away or yell. That's a reward! Carefully remove the beak from your hand, place your bird somewhere else, like on a perch, go into the bathroom, tend to your wound and scream if you need to! Let all your anger out! Then you can approach your bird again.

Parrots need new toys every once in a while to keep them stimulated and happy. Whether it be a wad of paper, or a $50 wooden toy, they will be happy. They need plenty of toys, and new toys to be happy and healthy. You should bring the bird out of his cage often and have play sessions, like peak a boo, or maze (Google it). There are plenty of ideas. Birds love to forage for food and treats, so you can try doing things like hiding food and letting your bird find it. Remember, parrot's don't have a sense of smell, so don't make it too hard! (They smell with their tongue. That's why something they gently grab onto your finger and "smell" it!).

Please don't think I'm trying to scare you away from parrot owner ship! The pros can sometimes outweigh the cons, but sometimes they can't, so expect that! Do your research research research, please! There are way to many homeless parrots as it is.

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Australian King Parrot

The Australia King Parrots are a medium size parrot and as the name would suggest native to Australia. They are the largest of the local Australian brightly colored Parrots. By far they are Australia's largest parrot measuring sixteen to seventeen inches in length and weighing seven to eight ounces. This Parrot is a particularly robust and hearty bird; their life span in captivity can average from twenty to twenty-five years.

The Australia King Parrots are also known as The King Lory, Queensland King, Southern King Parrot, Australian King, and The Eastern King. The Australia King Parrots are inhabitants of Australia's coastal mountains, and forests regions of Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales. While the wild birds are largely seen in the eastern regions of Australia, wild King Parrots are commonly seen in populated areas such as parks and gardens.

In the wild the Australian King Parrots eat fruits, berries, seeds and small insects. During the early morning and late afternoon the wild Australian King Parrot can be seen in groups of three to five flying to their daily feeding grounds. They have been known to destroy orchards and corn crops. Most farmers consider them to be largely pests.

The birds have been known to have a preference for the fruit of the white cedar tree. It is very common to see them eating ripe kiwi fruit, figs and eucalyptus pod seeds. When kept in captivity, they typically eat commercial bird food from a feeding tray. Their diet can be supplemented with passion fruit, kiwi fruit, sunflower seeds and fresh corn on the cob. They seem to favor early morning feedings.

The birds are not known to being overly affectionate, and may not take to being handled very well. However, the birds are not in any way anti-social. In fact they seem to enjoy interacting with their caretakers. The birds are an excellent alternative to more vocal Parrots. They are quiet Parrots and tend not to scream making them highly sought after due to their good nature. While not the best talkers among parrots, they can learn to say a few words. When they vocalize, owners are entertained with their very pleasant chatter and whistles.

Often described as beautiful, the Australian King Parrots have a very visible color pattern. It consists of a color combination of largely reds and greens. The male's heads are fiery red in color while the female's heads and breasts are green. Both sexes generally have read bellies and green color trailing down their tails and onto their wings. The back and wings usually have a dark green coloration with lighter green patch across the shoulders.

Keep in mind they are a curious and intelligent bird. They will need a large cage to keep them active. As mentioned earlier they are hearty bird and they need to be exercised outside the cage daily. Standard exercise for this bird consists of three to four hours outside the cage so give them a lot of attention and they will reward you with lots of love.

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   Moluccan Cockatoo   Why Do Gouldian Finches Make for Great Pets?   

4 Pointers On Gouldian Finches

Gouldian finches have been domesticated for many centuries, but they are already considered to be endangered species in the wild. They are a joy to behold, beautiful, marvelous birds that are sure to attract anyone due to their iridescent colors.

Thoughts to Consider before Choosing the Gouldian Finches

Be reminded that the Gouldian finches are not easy to take care of. They require care, attention and strategic planning. Without ample knowledge, you can end up losing them early and this could break your heart as a pet owner. If you are not ready for the demands of taking care of this fantastic bird, then you have to opt for other types of birds of easier finches to take care of like the society finches and the zebra finches.

Domesticated Ones versus Wild Ones

Make sure to purchase them only from expert breeders. It would be hard to take care of wild ones as they are not accustomed to captivity and have a higher chance of getting depressed and dying. It would be best to get a domesticated pair. The Gouldian finches must never be bought alone. They must come with a pair in order to survive. It might not necessarily be a female and male. It can be both sexes.

What do the Gouldian finches need in order to thrive?

The Gouldian finches would need a clean supply drinking water every day, a place for drinking and a place for taking a bath as this type of birds love this kind of activity. You can choose to play vitamin supplements in the water. Just make sure to consult a vet or an expert breeder before trying anything.

It would also need ample food. It must not go without food for 3 to 4 hours long. It must always have some seeds to eat. Make sure that the water is clean. Place it away from where it can be contaminated by their feces. It would be best to use a stainless steel container for the food and the water and avoid using plastic to lessen the chances of causing bacteria and algae.

Aviclense and Benefits of Using it for Gouldian Finches

Remember when algae forms in the containers then place aviclense in their water in order to solve the problem.

Be careful of the diet of the Gouldian finches. Make sure that they have a variety of seeds and greens. Owners can also provide them with eggs and biscuit, cuttle fish bone and oyster shell for their calcium needs and eggs shells in order to maintain their health.

If you are in a very cold climate, take the time to make sure that the temperature is bearable for the Gouldian finches, not too hot or not too cold. Especially when they are breeding, they need to be in the right blend of temperature in order for the younger birds to survive.

Make sure to place the cage high enough so that they cannot be reached or disturbed by other pets.

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Yellow Headed Amazon

The Yellow Headed Amazon is native to Mexico and Central America. It is actually endangered due to the destruction of the rain forest in these areas. Another reason these birds are endangered is the captive pet trade. These parrots sell for quite a lot of money, so they are captured and sold as beautiful, exotic pets. Although the capture and export of wild parrots into the United States is illegal, it happens much too often.

This Amazon is known for its gorgeous plumage. It is mostly green in color, with yellow feathering on the head and neck as well as a bit of yellow on the wings (the wings also sport a bit of red). The beak and feet are flesh toned.

Size: 15 to 17 inches in length

Lifespan: Sexual maturity happens sometime around their 5th to 8th year of life. Their lifespan is anywhere between 50 and 80 years, so be prepared for a lifetime with your bird.

Dietary Needs:

A diet of consisting of nutritious pellet and fresh fruits, veggies, and nuts is recommended for this parrot. Because the Yellow-Headed Amazon is prone to a vitamin A deficiency, dark veggies, carrots, corn and other such foods rich in Vitamin A are great. Beans are a good addition, but only when they have been cooked. Nuts that are still in their shell are very fun to crack open and eat as well.

Cage Size: The larger the better for these active birds. This birds cage should be at minimum 32 inches wide with 5/8 to 1 inch bar spacing.

Traits: These birds are not timid or shy. They are outgoing and forthright, dramatic in their gestures and very entertaining. Because of their in-your-face personality, you should always watch your bird closely when you have guests in your house. Instead of running away, these birds will more often than not come right up to your visitor and may very well give a nip to an unsuspecting hand. They can become aggressive during mating season when they reach sexual maturity, so they are recommended for a more experienced bird owner. Training is important with these birds to curb any aggressive tendencies. Training also doubles as great bonding time with your bird. Remember, set aside time everyday with your bird to keep them happy and bonded to you. Birds, most of the time, are very social creatures.

Health Concerns: Yellow-Headed Amazons are prone to a problem that many people also suffer from. That's right. Obesity. With all those yummy foods available, who can resist eating just one more scrumptious morsel? Well, although a pudgy bird may seem happy and perhaps appear a bit cute, obesity in birds is very harmful to their health. Exercise outside his or her cage along with healthy low fat foods are a good way to keep your Amazon trim and in-shape. Amazons may get a few diseases that are common among their particular breed. Some include: Psittacosis (A bacterial infection that causes lethargy, difficulty breathing, weight loss), toe necrosis, and fungal infections. Psittacosis is particularly dangerous, as it can be spread to humans with weak immune systems, such as the elderly and young children.

Train-ability: This parrot is an amazing "talker". The yellow-Headed Amazon is considered one of the most talented imitators in the parrot world, running a close second to the African Grey. This does not mean that all Yellow-Headed Amazons will speak words. They may just makes sounds, like that of the door opening if it has squeaky hinges or the telephone ringing. Some will have an array of spoken words in their vocabulary, but this really depends on the bird and how much you talk to them.

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   Moluccan Cockatoo   Why Do Gouldian Finches Make for Great Pets?   

How to Choose a Bird Cage for Your New Bird

Getting a bird? You ll need a bird cage along with other things, but the most key element is to find good bird cages for sale. Birds will always need a good cage. If you have thought about making or getting a homemade cage, you should know that they will typically have wire on them that will probably have zinc in it, it s is highly toxic to birds. Another thing to remember about homemade bird cages is that if they are made of wood, it is almost certain that some birds can simply shred/chew/destroy it. Depending on your lifestyle you may also need to look for traveling Bird Cages for Sale. The prices can range from $20-$150 depending on the quality and material.

Now a couple other things to look for when finding Bird Cages for Sale are toys (they are really a must trust me). The thing is that they will probably always end up eventually destroying them, so you should buy something very sturdy. The prices can range anywhere from are $5-$20 each, I recommend around 3 toys in the cage, too many toys can stress the bird out. If you can get more than three, you may try just switching them out every now and then.

Many times when looking for Bird Cages for Sale, you can get the perch with it. If you can´t then its always good to get one from a pet store unless you already know what woods are safe for your bird and how to dry them. You DO NOT want sand perches, this will dry the birds feet and doesn t do much on trimming the nails.

And now, the most essential thing besides the bird cages is the birds food, and it can cost a pretty penny. Their diet is seed, pellets, fruit and vegetables. Vegetables are the most important (for obvious reasons) this should be their main food, Fruit will be more like a daily treat, it has a large amount of sugar so not too much, Pellets although always available to the bird, should not be the main food.

Once you have found Bird Cages for Sale and have chosen your bird, you should really enjoy having your bird, make sure that you cherish every moment you have with it because like with any and everything, you never know when it will be taken away. The bond that will form between you and your bird will be priceless!

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   Moluccan Cockatoo   

Parrots And Air Cleaners - 7 Facts To Understand

Providing fresh clean air for pet parrots is one of the most important things to provide; because if your bird can't breathe not much else will matter. There are many features to consider when deciding on the right purifier for your situation. Here are 7 answers that will help you make the right choice.

How important is 24 hour filtration? In a word it is crucial. The goal is to keep the level of air quality high all the time. And the only way to do this is not to ever allow a build-up of particles.

Having a motor that is able to run safely with high revolutions per minute is essential to constantly minimize pollutants in the air. This type of motor is called a split capacitor and should be listed in the technical specifications of the owner's manual.

What level of ozone is safe? This remains a controversial subject for many. Studies have shown that the level of ozone would have to be so high to effectively clean the air that it would be toxic to humans. Other studies conclude that trace amounts are acceptable.

The one thing that all can agree on is that fresh air is best. So using a technology that only produces fresh air is best for you and your bird. HEPA filtration is safe and is the most efficient at particle elimination.

Which is better, plastic or steel casing? Steel is the best option for a number of reasons. Many parrots have strong beaks and use them to explore things in their environment including the purifier. A unit made of steel is less likely to have pieces break off that cause injury, or worse.

When a unit runs continuously (as it should) the motor heat will cause the casing to get warm. Sometimes when the unit is made of plastic this can cause fumes to be released into the air when the plastic heats up. The last thing you want is to pay for a unit that causes problems rather eliminates them.

What type of filter is best? There should really be a canister of filters that contains multiple filters that are designed to remove various size particles. A HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter is designed to remove airborne particles that are .3 microns or greater in size. This filter is cable of removing airborne bacteria and viruses as well as the microscopic pieces of dander that all birds shed continually.

There should also be large and medium size pre-filters that can trap particles that you can see such as bird dust, feathers, and normal household dust. These filters save the more intricate HEPA from filling needlessly with particles that are easily trapped by these bigger and less expensive filters.

A filter for odor is also a good idea. Having a carbon cloth filter gives you 2 advantages. Because it is woven like a cloth it can also trap particles, and the fact that it is made of carbon means that it can remove gases, odors, and airborne chemicals to which birds are so vulnerable.

How big of a space should the unit be able to clean? It should be able to clean the area that is open to it. So if your birds are in a family room, the cleaner should be capable of cleaning not only that room but all the other space open to it. So if you leave all of your doors open and your space is 1500 square feet, that's the space your purifier should be sized to clean.

Where is the best placement for the unit? The cleaner should be placed so that it does not create a draft for the birds. Ideally, a unit should only need about 6 inches of clearance from any surface to function efficiently. This means it can be placed out of the way and in a way that keeps the chord from being a tripping or choking hazard.

What type of maintenance should be expected? Maintenance should be minimal and should be able to be done while the unit is running. Vacuuming the outside occasionally should be the most that is expected.

How Do Birds Stay Warm In The Winter   Tips on Buying the Right African Grey Parrot Cage   Finches Information: How to Feed Your Finches Correctly   African Grey Parrot Facts To Help Make Buying Decisions   

4 Questions to Ask a Budgie Breeder

If you are thinking of a buying a budgie in the UK, there are some things you need to know first. Knowing these important things will help you weed out the seasoned and good budgie breeders from those who just sell them. While ignoring these tips will not cost you much in terms of money unless you buy the budgies in hundreds it could cost you your time, efforts and affection.

Losing your budgie, particularly when you know it isn't the right time, can be painful and saddening. So to avoid this, here are four questions you must ask your budgie breeder before buying a budgie.

1. What Are the Birds' Housing Conditions?

Budgies can be raised in a large cage inside the house or outside in an aviary. Housing can to a large extent, determine the overall health of the budgie. So, ask the budgie breeder about the bird's housing conditions. Find out where the bird's cage is located. Is it located away from direct sunlight? Is the bird consistently exposed to draughts?

Is there adequate space in the bird's cage and is it vertical and horizontal? What kind of branches are in its cage and how many? For instance, every budgie cage should have about two apple tree branches. The diameter of these branches helps the bird exercise its feet.

2. What Is the Budgie Fed With?

Another important question you need to ask is pertaining to its feeding. A bird that is fed improperly is likely to die off quickly or develop illnesses. So, find out what kind of seeds the bird is being fed with.

Budgies are healthier with millet seed and fresh fruits. They are also in better health when there is adequate iodine in their food. If iodine is missing from their food, it would be wise to provide an iodine block. Also, see if the bird always has fresh water daily.

3. Are They Hand Reared?

Budgies generally dislike being touched. However, if they are hand reared, they can be touched and held. When they aren't hand reared, they are likely to bite when touched. So, find out if they were hand reared and are hand tamed. This way, when you get it, it will be easier for the bird to allow you touch it after sometime.

4. How Frequently Are they Vaccinated?

You need to know how frequently the bird is vaccinated or if there are routine veterinary inspections. If it isn't very frequently or if the breeder is vague about the frequency of veterinary inspections, know that the budgie may not be in the best of health.

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